The SJMC App

The SJMC App in use on a smartphone

The SJMC App is your personal tour guide when you visit the Sir John Monash Centre. It is designed so that visitors can gain a better understanding of the journey and contribution of ordinary Australian soldiers on the Western Front. Told in their own words through letters, diaries, and life-sized images, a visit to the Sir John Monash Centre is a moving experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Installing the application before you arrive, will give you access to helpful information to assist in planning your visit to the Centre. You can also download it on your arrival, using the Sir John Monash Centre’s free Wi-Fi.



The SJMC App acts as an audio guide during your visit and can be used in the grounds of the Cemetery and Memorial as you walk towards the Sir John Monash Centre.

It provides information about the site and you can listen to stories of some of the soldiers buried and commemorated here. This continues inside the Sir John Monash Centre, immersing you in the history of the Australians who served on the Western Front.





The SJMC App has a ’Search the ANM Wall‘ feature, which enables you to locate the names of the Australian servicemen commemorated on the Australian National Memorial.

You can also conduct a wreath laying ceremony by using the ’Commemoration‘ tab, comprising four readings that can be read by one or more participants. It includes audio of the Last Post, followed by a minute’s silence, and then the Rouse.




The SJMC App is available in English, French, and German and requires headphones or earbuds to work properly. These can also be purchased in the Sir John Monash Centre café for 3€.

A limited number of loan devices are also available for free, if you don’t have a mobile device or tablet, or experience connection issues.


Flash the codes or click on the following links to download the SJMC App.

iOS – App Store  /  Android – Play Store

QR Code App Store and Play Store SJMC APP


Site by Swell Design Group